Chief Judge Holderman recently gave his annual State of the Northern District speech.  In a word, Judge Holderman said that the state of the District is "good."  Here are some of the highlights of the presentation (click here to read the Court’s press release):

  • Judge Gettleman intends to take senior status May 5 and Judge Coar intends to take senior status August 12.  Additionally, Magistrate Judge Ashman intends to retire later this year.
  • Combined with the vacancy created when Judge Filip went to the Justice Department, when Judges Gettleman and Coar take senior status there will be three Article III and one magistrate vacancies on the Court.
  • Civil filings were up 2.7% in 2008 over 2007.  And the Court resolves those disputes quickly.  The Northern District is in the top 10% of district court with its median time of 6.2 months to disposition.
  • The Court is participating in a pilot program which allows jurors to fill out jury forms and get information about their service online.