Banner & Witcoff’s Tim Meece (from Chicago) and Ross Dannenberg (from DC), have created an intellectual property iPhone app that they call, "IP Lawyer." At first, I have to admit I was skeptical, expecting it to be a more limited app heavy on promoting the firm. I was wrong. The app has easy to read and search versions of the necessary Federal Rules, as well as copies of all Local Patent Rules and the relevant sections of the U.S. Code, the MPEP and the C.F.R. And in case that was not enough to get you to head to iTunes and download your (free) copy, it also provides the ability to search a database of U.S. patents and trademarks, as well as assignments for each. This is an excellent resource that I expect to use frequently.
You can get IP Lawyer on iTunes (I searched Banner Witcoff and found it easily) or click here for more information at the firm’s website.