I am honored to announce that the Chicago IP Litigaiton blog has been chosen as one of the top 50 patent blogs by the Guide to Online Schools.  Although, I have to note that while the list of blogs is patent heavy, it also include trademark and copyright blogs. So, it may be more appropriate to  call it a list of the top 50 intellectual property blogs.  Either way, t is an honor to be included among this select group of excellent blogs, including (with the Guide’s descriptions of each blog):

  • Anticipate This!|Patent and Trademark Law Blog:  This! (AT!) is a patent and trademark law blog that provides thought-provoking commentary with a dash of irreverent humor. 
  • Green Patent Blog: This blog covers intellectual property issues in clean technology. The blog is maintained by a patent attorney at a firm based in San Diego, CA.
  • Patent Baristas: Patent Baristas is an intellectual property news and commentary blog featuring freshly brewed chat on patent and intellectual property issues in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields.
  • Patent Docs: Patent Docs is a biotechnology patent law and news blog. The authors and contributors to this blog are patent attorneys and agents who hold doctorates in a diverse array of biotechnology and chemical disciplines.
  • The 271 Patent Blog: Peter Zura’s 271 Patent Blog is written by a former United States Patent and Trade Organization (USPTO) patent examiner who now works closely with established and emerging companies to implement successful patent and litigation strategies. The blog follows his adventures while also offering advice for patent seekers.
  • Anything Under the Sun Made by Man: This blog is written by a design engineer turned patent lawyer with a two-fold focus. The first focus is understanding the technology, capturing the salient features, and writing a broad yet concise patent application. The second is counseling clients in developing a patent strategy that makes good business sense.
  • Bits: A New York Times blog about business, innovation, technology, and society.
  • China Law Blog: The China Law Blog discusses the practical aspects of Chinese law and how it impacts business, intellectual property ownership, and patent rights there. The site’s contributors will tell you how you as a businessperson can use Chinese law to your advantage.
  • Docket Report: The Docket Report is a blog that provides extensive coverage of patent litigation and patent litigation research.
  • Internet Cases: A blog about law and technology. The blog focuses mainly on the intersection of technology and intellectual property law.
  • IP Dragon: IP Dragon started in 2005 and has since grown into a blog that allows subscribers to gather, comment on, and share information about intellectual property in China with the hopes of making it more transparent. Danny Friedmann, the blog’s creator, is a consultant and author who provides advice, reports, and publications to law firms, companies, and IPR holders’ organizations.
  • IP Finance: Where money issues meet IP rights. This blog examines financial issues for intellectual property rights, including tax breaks, quantum of damages, IP valuation for acquisition, and securisation and collateral. 
  • IP Watchdog: IP Watchdog is an excellent source for news and information in the patent and innovation industries. The site’s founder is Gene Quinn–a patent attorney.
  • Las Vegas Trademark Attorney Blog: A blog dedicated to exploring, discussing, and sharing with the world the latest news and legal developments in trademark law. The blog is published by trademark and intellectual property attorney Ryan Gile.
  • Likelihood of Confusion: A blog on trademark, copyright, internet law and free speech. The writer’s savvy humor combined with his extensive knowledge of the law makes this blog both entertaining and informative.
  • Los Angeles Intellectual Property Trademark Attorney Blog: The official blog of Milord and Associates Patent Corporation–a firm dedicated to safeguarding your intellectual property. The blog offers complimentary legal advice and a list of resources for anyone interested in intellectual property.
  • Rebecca Tushnet’s 43 (B)log: This blog covers litigation and news pertaining to trademarks and false advertising.
  • Seattle Trademark Lawyer: Trademark law developments from Seattle and beyond. The blog’s creator is Michael Atkins–a shareholder at the Seattle law firm of Graham and Dunn.