Jim Amend, a founder of the Kirkland & Ellis intellectual property group and longtime Chicagoan, was recently appointed the Federal Circuit’s Chief Circuit Mediator. Jim will take charge of the Federal Circuit mediation program in January 2007, shortly after it was changed from a voluntary to a mandatory program.
I worked with Jim while I was at Kirkland & Ellis and can say that, in addition to having extensive intellectual property litigation and mediation experience, he is an excellent person and will do a tremendous job running the Federal Circuit’s mediation program. Congratulations to Jim on this exciting opportunity and to the Federal Circuit for making such an astute appointment. Also, a practice tip for anyone in mediation with Jim: be prepared, Jim is extremely hard working and sharp and, I suspect, he will hold counsel in his mediations to the same high standards he sets for himself.
Thanks to Dennis Crouch at Patently-O for the heads up to Jim’s appointment.