Bill Patry has just published Patry on Copyright — a seven volume treatise on copyright law and the first new copyright treatise in seventeen years according to Patry. Patry spent seven years working on his nearly 6,000 page treatise and brings a distinguished background to the subject. He is currently Google, Inc.’s Senior Copyright Counsel, he was a professor of copyright law at Cardozo (and an adjunct professor at my alma matter, the Georgetown University Law Center), copyright counsel to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and Policy Planning Advisor to the Register of Copyrights. You can see the table of contents here and you can buy Patry on Copyrights here. You can also read Patry’s own thoughts about his treatise on his Patry Copyright Blog or give him feedback on the treatise at his Patry Treatise Blog, both hosted by Google’s Blogger, of course.
This appears to be an excellent, exhaustive resource for copyright practitioners and academics. Stay tuned for more from Patry himself on his treatise. Later today or tomorrow I will be posting the Blog’s first e-interview (of Patry), which I plan to make a quasi-regular Blog feature.