IP Law & Business recently named its top 50 IP lawyers under 45 years old (free registration required). Two of those 50 are Chicagoans — David Callahan and James Malackowski.
- David Callahan is an IP litigator and partner at Kirkland & Ellis. As I have mentioned before, I had the opportunity to work with Callahan early in my career. So, I can confirm that he is a top notch litigator. Here is what IP Law & Business said about Callahan:
A political science major from the University of Chicago, David Callahan learned electronic warfare, including cryptography, as a U.S. Army Reserve captain. The military discipline has served him well. A University of Michigan Law School grad, Callahan has commanded the defense in key patent infringement wins for 3M, Amazon.com, and Gast Manufacturing in cases covering everything from one-click Internet payment systems to chewing gum additives and dental compounds. He has excelled at big-ticket defense cases involving multiple patents and parties, where his leadership and organizational skills-to say nothing of his legal marksmanship-force plaintiffs to duck.
- James Malackowski is the President, CEO and founder of Ocean Tomo, a Chicago-based and IP-focused merchant banc. Here is what IP Law & Business said about Malackowski:
This University of Notre Dame-trained CPA has made a name as a patent market-maker. Twenty years ago he cofounded a firm that did patent valuations. In 2003 Ocean Tomo started offering investment banking services, and it broke new ground in 2006 with the first live auction for IP. The company has conducted six so far-the most recent in April in San Francisco-that have generated $70 million in transactions, including the $15 million sale of guitarist Jimi Hendrix’s catalog and the $6 million sale of patents related to digital systems media and management. The latest innovation from Malackowski? He is trying to market insurance that would lessen the cost to companies of patent troll attacks.
Congratulations to both Callahan and Malackowski. The honor is well deserved for both men.