Here are several Chicago-area, or close, continuing legal education programs worth your time if you are looking for CLE credit:
- Northwestern’s Law School is hosting an Advocacy and Ethics Film Series.* There are three sessions, each built around a classic legal movie, offering 1.5 ethics credits (everyone needs ethics credits) per session. Once you sign up, they mail you a DVD of the movie, watch it before the session and then discuss it with a distinguished Northwestern professor, over popcorn. Each session costs $175 ($500 for all three) with early registration, or $225 ($600 for all three) after the deadline. This looks like a great CLE series, but I have to question the decision not to include my favorite legal movie, Anatomy of a Murder. Maybe they are saving it for the 2009 series. Here is the information for each session:
- To Kill a Mockingbird, presented by Steve Lubet – October 3, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Registration and popcorn: 5:00 p.m.
- 12 Angry Men, presented by Bob Burns – October 22, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Registration and popcorn: 5:00 p.m.
- Judgment at Nuremberg, presented by David Scheffer – November 13, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Registration and popcorn: 5:00 p.m.
- Notre Dame’s Law School is offering CLE programs on home football Saturdays this year. Each session includes a continental breakfast, two hours of CLE programming before the game and the opportunity to buy tickets for the day’s game (tickets must be picked up at the CLE session). The only session still open is Syracuse on November 22, could be a bit chilly. But Domers should keep their eyes open for next year. Great excuse to get to a game.
- On September 23, Loyola University is hosting Attorney General Lisa Madigan speaking as part of the Albert Schweitzer Fellows for Life Lecture Series. The title of Madigan’s presentation is, Leadership by Example: Idealists Creating Change. No CLE credit for this one, but it looks very interesting. It is free, but RSVPs are recommended to either or 312.372.4292 ext. 24.
* Hat tip to Fastcase for pointing me to the the Advocacy and Ethics Film Series.