Yesterday, LexMonitor featured me as its blogger of the day — click here for LexMonitor’s page on the Blog and me. That leads to a thank you, an apology and some disclosure. Thanks to LexMonitor for highlighting the Blog and for all of the work the LexMonitor team does aggregating legal blog content in one place. Next, I apologize for not posting specifically about LexMonitor when it debuted earlier this year. In my defense, I did immediately add them to my blog roll. LexMonitor is a great resource for identifying new legal content to follow. They take a process that, on your own, is like drinking from a fire hose and make it manageable to find the legal blogs in your areas of interest. Finally, full disclosure: LexMonitor was created and is run by the great people at LexBlog who run this site for me and who I routinely credit for the great job they do on this blog and so many others.