Diane Levin hosted this week’s Blawg Review #181 at Mediation Channel — click here to read it. As you would expect from one of Ed.’s Blawg Review Sherpas, the Review is both well-written and exhaustive. Levin’s focus was International Conflict Resolution Day. And when Ed. realized that he had created an international incident by not acknowledging Canadian Thanksgiving, Levin even updated the Review with some Canadian content. By the way, happy Thanksgiving to the Blog’s Canadian friends and readers.
Among other posts, Levin highlighted the October Carnival of Trust, hosted by its founder Charles Green at Trust Matters — click here to read it. Green links to a post at Without Wax about what to do when your trust in someone begins slipping away — click here to read it. The blog, and the post, appear to be focused more on family and friend relationships. But the issue and the proposed resolution translate to the legal realm because trust is paramount in the law just as it is with family and friends — with courts, with opposing counsel, with clients and with colleagues. Without Wax suggests that instead of pulling back when trust is disappearing, you engage that person and the problem. Silence rarely fixes trust. You are far better off facing the issue and trying to fix the problem so that it does not recur, whether it is a misunderstanding or an actual breach of trust.
Finally, Larry Lessig’s enthralling Wall Street Journal op-ed piece about the current state of copyright law and whether it fits with modern life did not make the Review (probably because it was not a blog post), but it is worth a read — click here for Lessig’s op-ed. Or you could skip right to Victoria Pynchon’s excellent analysis at the IP ADR Blog — click here to read Pynchon’s post.
[UPDATE]: Lessig makes clear at his Lessig 2.0 blog that despite the title the WSJ gave his op-ed — A Defense of Piracy — he does not support piracy. Lessig is proposing conforming copyright law to what he sees as the realities of modern living.