Blawg Review #186 is up at Res Ipsaclick here to read it.  Befitting a blog that focuses on the use of technology in the law, there is plenty of IP content:

  • Traverse Legal has a great post, including a podcast, (click here to read/listen to it) explaining that while it is possible to register your marks without a lawyer, the smart decision is to use a lawyer that is an expert in the field.
  • IP’s What’s Up makes the argument that open source licenses are a powerful use of a copyright — click here to read it.
  • The mighty IPKat looks at the best IP advice provided by its readers in response to a recent contest — click here to read the advice and IP Kat’s thoughts.

Finally, it is not directly IP-related, but the Review also looks at an interesting technology debate that is occupying the legal blogosphere — the value of Twitter as a legal marketing tool.  Calling himself a curmudgeon, David Giacalone at f/k/a argues against Twitter, or at least questions its business development value  — click here to read the post, which has generated significant discussion and response.  LexBlog’s Kevin O’Keefe responded strongly arguing Twitter’s value — click here to read it.  O’Keefe’s arguments for Twitter boil down to the fact that Twitter is a powerful networking tool.  It allows colleagues around the country and world with common backgrounds and issues to find each other and engage in far-reaching conversations.  And building networks builds both professional satisfaction and business.  I agree with O’Keefe  whole-heartedly.  But I also understand Giacalone’s uncertainty and lack of comfort with Twitter  It takes most lawyers multiple tries to get Twitter and more than that to get comfortable using it.  Hopefully, Giacalone will keep trying and figure it out eventually.