The Chicago IP Colloquium has another strong line up for its 2009 edition. The Colloquium jointly sponsored by Chicago-Kent and Loyola Chicago began yesterday at Kent with Professor Joseph Miller of Lewis & Clark Law School presenting his paper Hoisting Originality. Papers from past Colloquia are available here.
The leaders of the Colloquium are Professor Graeme Dinwoodie, Director, Program in Intellectual Property Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law and Professor Cynthia Ho, Loyola law School. Mark your calendars for the remaining sessions of the 2009 Colloquium:
February 10, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Room 1103
Professor Colleen Chien, Santa Clara University Law School
Paper: Patent Detente – Solutions to the Patent Arms Race
February 24, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Room 305
Professor Anupam Chander, UC Davis School of Law
Paper: Youthful Indiscretion & Digital Memory
March 24, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Room 1103
Professor David Adelman, The University of Arizona
Paper: Visualizing Patent Domains: Emerging Empirical Methods & Their Implications for Patent Policy
April 7, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Room 305
Professor Lisa Ramsey, University of San Diego School of Law
Paper: Free Speech and International Obligations to Protect Trademarks
April 21, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Room 1103
Professor Frank Pasquale, Seton Hall University School of Law
Paper: Search, Copyright, and Speech