Here is some IP-related news for your weekend enjoyment:

  • Seattle Trademark Lawyer Mike Graham warns that the excellent Stanford IP Clearinghouse may not be counting all cases in its data based on Graham’s comparison of 2008 trademark filings in the Western District of Washington using PACER and the Stanford IP Clearinghouse — click here to read the post.  I echo Graham’s statement that even if there are discrepancies, or even missing data, the Stanford IP Clearinghouse is an excellent resource with vast potential.
  • Blawg Review #196 was hosted on Australia Day this week by Peter Black’s Freedom to Differ, an Australian blog focused on internet regulation — click here to read the Review.    After tackling controversy surrounding the date of Australia day, Black discusses several IP issues including Duncan Bucknell’s post regarding YouTube copyright issues; and Brendan Scott’s series on closed source software.