Here are some IP stories with a broad focused from Chicago-based institutions:
- The latest edition of the John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law is available here. The issue is focused on International Trade Commission ("ITC") litigation. ITC is a powerful tool, because of the speed of the proceedings and because personal jurisdiction is not required, only that the product or service is brought into the United States. One of the most interesting articles is an overview of the Administrative Law Judge’s ("ALJ") role in Section 337 ITC proceedings by ALJ Carl Charneski — click here to read the article.
- The University of Chicago Faculty Blog is wrapping up an intriguing blog conversation amongst intellectual heavyweights regarding the underpinnings of IP theory and whether the standard economic theories (incentivizing innovation) supporting IP should be broadened to included social and cultural theories (incentivizing broader participation) — click here to read the last post and here to read the first. I cannot do it justice in a paragraph or two, but as we look at various IP reforms in Congress this year, in particular the 2009 version of the Patent Reform Act, it is a good time to consider the underlying reasons and purposes of the IP laws.