Here are several items from around the web that are worth your attention:

  • The latest edition of Doug Lichtman’s IP Colloquium is available here and it is another excellent listen.  The program looks at copyright’s statutory damages regime through the lens of music downloading.  Lichtman moderates an impressive group of experts and stakeholders in the debate.  It would be worth the time, even if CLE credit was not available, but it is.
  • Congratulations to Victoria Pynchon of the IP ADR Blog and Settle It Now on her move to ADR Services — click here to read Pynchon’s post about the move.
  • The Alternative Patent Dispute Resolution Project at San Diego’s Thomas Jefferson School of Law has an interesting survey up about how ADR should be used in patent cases.  No results yet, but I will discuss them here when they are made available.  The survey follows up a survey done ten years ago by IPWatchdog’s Gene Quinn.  Click here to take the survey.