Here are several stories and updates worth a read:
- I am hosting the August Carnival of Trust on Monday, August 3 here. I hosted once before and really enjoyed the experience — click here and here. The Carnival of Trust is a monthly, traveling review of ten of the last month’s best posts related to various aspects of trust in the business world. If you have trust-related posts from the last month, send them to me. by Friday or Saturday. For other examples of Carnival of Trust posts, check out recent hosts Adrian Dayton and Victoria Pynchon.
- I was featured in Stephanie Allen West’s Reading Minds column in the ABA’s Law Practice Management magazine this month — click here to read the column. Along with Jennifer Loud Ungar, Andrew Flusche, and Todd Kashdan, I was asked to recommend a favorite management book. I went with an unorthodox choice, but a valuable read, the Boy Scout Patrol Leader’s Handbook. Here is some of my recommendation:
In the many years since I relied on the Handbook to run Boy Scout patrols, I have found the lessons in this volume to be equally applicable to leading and managing teams of lawyers or businesspeople. The Handbook is a powerful guide for developing successful organizations, maintaining group morale and achieving group success. As an example, it lists these 10 tips for being a good leader: (1) keep your word; (2) be fair; (3) communicate well and often; (4) be flexible; (5) be organized; (6) delegate; (7) set an example; (8) be consistent; (9) give praise; and (10) ask for help. These are words to live by for patrol leaders, lawyers and C-level executives alike.
- Michael Atkins has a great post at his Seattle Trademark Lawyer about a strong brand protection program worth emulating — click here to read it.