Dallas Buyers Club, LLC v. Does 1-14., No. 15 C 2924, Slip Op. (N.D. Ill. Apr. 7, 2015) (Shadur, Sen. J.). Judge Shadur sua sponte granted plaintiff Dallas Buyers Club leave to amend its complaint in this Bit Torrent copyright infringement case involving the movie Dallas Buyer’s Club. Citing its prior decision in Zambezia Film (PTY) Ltd. v. Does 1-33, 2013 WL 1181587 (Mar. 20, 2013), the Court held that to be joined in a Bit Torrent case Does must not only have been a part of the same swarm, but also must have been in that swarm at overlapping times. Plaintiff was free to amend its complaint to include only those Does in the same swarm at the same time.