On April 27, 2017, the ITC Trial Lawyers Association (“ITCTLA”) and Chicago Kent are hosting a CLE program focused on ITC patent practice.  Topics include:

  • A panel comparing ITC and U.S.D.C. litigation, featuring ITC Administrative Law Judge McNamara and the Northern District’s Judge Kendall;
  • A panel on the advantages of filing at the ITC, featuring ITC practitioners;
  • A panel discussing real world experiences litigating IP cases at the ITC, featuring in-house attorneys from Amazon, Baxter Healthcare, and Google;
  • A panel discussing enforcement issues, featuring a presentation from a representative of U.S. Customs and Border Protection;
  • A panel on best practices and litigation advice, featuring ITC Administrative Law Judges Essex and McNamara; and
  • A closing address from ITC Commissioner Kieff.

This promises to be an excellent program and only costs $50 for ITCTLA members and $65 for non-members – register here.