Yesterday, Chief Judge Pallmeyer entered a general order addressing the “Coronavirus COVID-19 Public Emergency.” The Court ordered as follows:
- For all civil cases, all case deadlines whether set by the Federal Rules, Local Rules, Court order or Executive Committee order. The Order notes that the Court is accessible by ECF and, in “emergency” situations by phone or video.
- Civil hearings, trials and settlement conferences set between March 17 and April 3 are stricken, and will be reset by the presiding judge on or after April 6.
- The Order does not impact deadlines to appeal district court orders. But the Court held that if an extension request was timely filed, the current situation was good cause for timely motions.
- Any party can seek relief from the Order by filing an emergency motion in the underlying case and in case no. 20 CV 1792, a specially created matter for issues related to the Order.
- The Court will vacate, amend or extend the Order no later than April 3, 2020.
- The Eastern Division Clerk’s office will remain open with limited staff – the Western Division Clerk’s office will close. Filings during that period can be made by ECF, deposit in the Eastern Division drop box, by mail or with the Eastern Division Clerk’s office.
- All public gatherings at the Northern District’s courthouses are canceled during the pendency of the Order.