Life After Hate, Inc. a/k/a ExitUSA v. Free Radicals Project, Inc., No. 18 C 6967, Slip Op. (N.D. Ill. Mar. 3, 2020) (Cole, Mag. J.).
Magistrate Judge Cole denied plaintiff ExitUSA’s Local Rule 7.1 motion to exceed the fifteen page limit for its discovery motion in this Lanham Act case.
The Court could have denied the motion because plaintiff did not attend the hearing on the motion, but the Court had more compelling reasons to deny it. Cole noted that page limitations benefit litigants as much as the Court. ExitUSA had already gotten a “free” extra-long brief by filing a motion to compel that was 21 pages, with two thirds of them double-spaced, making it the equivalent of 35 compliant pages. ExitUSA did not seek or receive approval for that overlong brief. In light of its history, the Court denied the motion.