On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. CT, The Richard Linn American Inn of Court and the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago (“IPLAC”) are hosting an interactive panel discussion focusing on lessons learned in evaluating whether lawyers are satisfying their responsibilities competently and diligently, and with integrity and satisfaction. 

In advance of the meeting, questions were posed to Inn members relating to issues addressed and lessons learned regarding our responsibilities as lawyers. 

Questions might include:

  • “how do you competently and diligently satisfy the responsibilities that we have as lawyers,”
  • “how can we, as lawyers, be good public citizens having special responsibilities for the quality of justice,”
  • “what do you believe we lawyers should strive for in the legal profession,”
  • “do you have suggestions to others about thinking of these issues,”
  • “do you have suggestions to leaders in the profession about these issues,”
  • “how can we realize personal satisfaction in our responsibilities as lawyers,”
  • “how can our career and life goals be consistent with our responsibilities as lawyers,”
  • “if you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently to satisfy such responsibilities,” etc.

Survey results will be circulated before the meeting. 

At the meeting: there will be panel discussion followed by interactive discussion with audience members, with all discussion lead by moderators (we will have more than one moderator).  

There will be three phases:

  1. panelists go around and give their perspectives on the above questions and survey results,
  2. moderators pose questions to panelists, and
  3. moderators pose questions to, and invite questions from, audience regarding the above questions and survey results. 

The virtual event is free for IPLAC Members.  Click here to register.