John Marshall is hosting its 11th annual Ethics in the Practice of Intellectual Property Law seminar on Friday, June 5, 2020, from noon – 3:45 pm CST. The seminar will be online and is offering 3.25 hours of professional responsibility credit, including 1 hour of mental health/substance abuse credit. Register here.

Topics include:

  • Conflicts

On February 2, 2018 at 4:00 pm the John Marshall Law School is offering what promises to be a very interesting CLE presentation by the former Director of its Center for Intellectual Property Law, Richard S. Gruner. Gruner is also former in-house counsel for IBM and the co-author of Transactional Intellectual Property: From Startups to

Chicago Kent’s The Power of PTAB: The New Authority in Patent Law is a Chicago-based conference hosted by Chicago Kent Law from 8:15am until 5:30pm CT on November 3, 2017. The conference will examine the rise of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), which is on pace in 2017 to set a record of

DePaul Law is hosting an impressive CLE program (11 hours of credit) this Thursday and Friday, October 15-16 at its downtown Chicago campus titled Cyberlaw 2.1: Legal Challenges of an Evolving Internet. The panels are largely academic and very impressive. Here is how DePaul describes the program:
[The conference] contemplates the changing role of the internet in society. These developments bring, as technological advances often do, both opportunities and risks. Correspondingly, cyberlaw doctrine now confronts challenges resulting from the increasing importance of social networking applications and cloud computing, the drive toward “personalization” of search, advertising, and other internet experiences, and, as life is lived more and more online, the related threats to private life caused by the potential to store more and more complete records of individuals’ experiences. Our speakers will explore the ways in which Web 2.0 and beyond affects a wide spectrum of legal issues, ranging from privacy and freedom of expression through intellectual property.
In connection with the program, DePaul is also hosting the 12th Annual Niro Distinguished Intellectual Property Lecture and Luncheon. The speaker will be Stanford’s Mark Lemley presenting his paper, “Irrelevant Confusion.” Click here to register and here for more information on either program.

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Next week, May 1, John Marshall is hosting a Law Day IP legal ethics program: Ethics in the Practice of Intellectual Property Law. The program offers four hours of ethics credits (the same amount of ethics credits required by Illinois in every two year reporting period). The program looks excellent and appears to be free. Click here for more information.

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Please join me this Friday, March 6 for the Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property’s annual symposium. I will be moderating a debate over whether business methods should be patentable in light of the recent Bilski decision. McDonnell Boehnen’s Bob Irvine will argue for business methods and Knobbe Martens’ Lauren Katzenellenbogen will argue against. If that debate is not enough to get you to the Symposium, here is a sampling of the other excellent presentations:
The Northern District’s Chief Judge Holderman will give the not to be missed keynote presentation: “Ten Commandments for Conducting an Intellectual Property Jury Trial.”
Panel on Tafas v. Dudas, Patent Rules Changes, and Patent Reform – a panel discussion on the Tafas case and patent reform bills recently considered by Congress featuring Chris Singer of McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff, and Patent Docs author, will discuss the Tafas v. Dudas decision and the effects the proposed changes would have had on patent practice, and Prof. Sean Seymore of the Washington and Lee University School of Law, and Prof. Matthew Sag of DePaul University College of Law, who will add a viewpoint from outside the practicing legal community.
Discussion of Employer Invention Assignment Agreements after DDB Technologies L.L.C. v. MLB Advanced Media, L.P. – a panel discussion regarding the best ways for protecting a client’s interests (whether the individual or the company) in an invention assignment agreement following DDB Technologies, featuring Mike Baniak of McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff, and Todd Dawson, Vice President of Legal Affairs at Zimmer, Inc.
More information is available at the Symposium’s website. Registration is free, although CLE credit costs $50 per credit hour. To register contact the development editor, Michael Hammer,

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Along with the IP ADR Blog’s Victoria Pynchon, I am giving an ALI-ABA continuing legal education teleconference discussing alternative dispute resolution as a low-cost alternative for intellectual property disputes — click here to register. The program is at 11 am CT on February 18. Here are ALI-ABA’s program highlights:
Why Attend?
In a difficult economy, intellectual property protection and assertion is more important than ever. The combined stressors of a poor fiscal climate and shrinking legal budgets place a significant strain on any business dependent upon IP assets. as companies face difficult economic decisions, it is increasingly difficult to fit the expense and extended uncertainty of copyright, patent and trademark litigation into a forward looking business plan. This one-hour seminar explores the use of alternative dispute resolution as a means of protecting intellectual property and business activity, while minimizing the expense and devotion of time related to traditional IP litigation.
What You Will Learn
This program examines how to move an IP dispute toward alternative dispute resolution; best practices for controlling the expense and length of the process; and best practices for successful alternative dispute resolution. Whether you are an experienced IP practitioner or simply one grappling with IP issues in your general commercial practice, knowing how to offer your clients a wide array of ADR options might make the difference between a practice that survives and one that thrives. The seminar will cover the following topics:
How to choose between litigation and ADR.
The most successful strategies for guiding your dispute into the best ADR forum at the most productive time.
The five basic rules of “distributive” or “fixed sum” bargaining that will give you the “edge” in all future settlement negotiations.
The five ways to “expand the fixed sum pie” by exploring and exploiting the client interests underlying your own and your opponents’ legal positions.
The Ten Mediation/Settlement Conference Traps for the Unwary.
Invest just 60 minutes at your home or office to learn about alternative dispute resolution in the IP field from this duo of experts. This audio program comes to you live on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 12:00-1:00 pm CST, via your phone or your computer. Materials corresponding to the course may be downloaded or viewed online.
Planning Chair
R. David Donoghue, Esquire, Holland & Knight LLP, Chicago, IL
Victoria Pynchon, Esquire, Settle It Now Dispute Resolution Services, Beverly Hills, CA

Continue Reading Continuing Legal Education: IP Alternative Dispute Resolution